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Configuring a Joomla 4.1.3 server on Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS

First things first. Joomla 4.1.3 works fine on Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS. It just needs a little configuration, especially if you've come from a distribution upgrade and perhaps a different version of PHP. There are some dependencies which need to be resolved and they were quite complex so I wrote it down in case it needed to do it again or it was useful to someone.

TL:DR — Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is PHP 8.1 by default, Joomla 4.1.3 supports PHP 8.1. You may need to configure things to make it work.

After upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS My Joomla server on my localhost displayed a white screen. Not too good. White screens with Joomla often point to issues with PHP so I started there. This is my development and test server so I was worried it could be a serious issue, but I've just updated to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS so I started there with the differences. The most obvious difference is PHP 8.1. JoomlA support for PHP 8.1 was added in Joomla 4.0.5 but my development laptop Joomla installation has lagged a little.

PHP 8.1 is part of Ubuntu 22.04

PHP 7.4 and 8.1 were installed already on my computer, because I had previously set up a Joomla Server, so the distribution upgrade updated it to 8.1. PHP 8.1 no longer requires a third party repository in Ubuntu 22.04. It is part of the release. You only need a third party repository if you need previous releases. If it was not installed you can get it with sudo apt install php8.1.

Fixing my Joomla 4.x dev server PHP 8.1 extensions

Fixing my Joomla was a two part operation. Firstly I needed to ensure my PHP extensions were correct for this new version of PHP. The default installation of PHP 8.1 didn't have everything I had before So I decided I needed to add the missing ones for Joomla. I couldn't find a comprehensive list so I just compared old and new and came up with the list sudo apt instal php8.1-gd php8.1-intl php8.1-mbstring php8.1-mysqli php8.1-mysqlnd php8.1-tidy php8.1-xmlreader php8.1-xmlrpc php8.1-zipOnce installed my 8.1/mods-available directory I'd like to say Joomla came to life but it did not - there was another step for me. Anyway here is my mods-available directory, as you can see its now very similar between PHP 7.4 and PHP 8.1.

% ls /etc/php/7.4/mods-available
calendar.ini  ffi.ini       iconv.ini     mysqlnd.ini    posix.ini      sysvmsg.ini    xdebug.ini.dpkg-bak  xsl.ini
ctype.ini     fileinfo.ini  intl.ini      opcache.ini    readline.ini   sysvsem.ini    xml.ini              zip.ini
curl.ini      ftp.ini       json.ini      pdo.ini        shmop.ini      sysvshm.ini    xmlreader.ini
dom.ini       gd.ini        mbstring.ini  pdo_mysql.ini  simplexml.ini  tidy.ini       xmlrpc.ini
exif.ini      gettext.ini   mysqli.ini    phar.ini       sockets.ini    tokenizer.ini  xmlwriter.ini
% ls /etc/php/8.1/mods-available
calendar.ini  ffi.ini       iconv.ini     opcache.ini    readline.ini   sysvsem.ini    xml.ini        zip.ini
ctype.ini     fileinfo.ini  intl.ini      pdo.ini        shmop.ini      sysvshm.ini    xmlreader.ini
curl.ini      ftp.ini       mbstring.ini  pdo_mysql.ini  simplexml.ini  tidy.ini       xmlrpc.ini
dom.ini       gd.ini        mysqli.ini    phar.ini       sockets.ini    tokenizer.ini  xmlwriter.ini
exif.ini      gettext.ini   mysqlnd.ini   posix.ini      sysvmsg.ini    xdebug.ini     xsl.ini

Updating Joomla 4.x itself for PHP 8.1 compatibility

The second part could have been tricky on a hosted server but was easy on my Ubuntu Desktop which is a laptop. My original Joomla 4 was too old to support PHP 8.1. This is probably why I had PHP 7.4 on here in the first place. I downloaded an incremental update from Joomla and unzipped it over my existing installation.Now, finally Joomla 4.1.3 loaded. Its fast, it is totally current, and theres no need for this machine to be on older versions of anything than those supplied as part of the distribution.

Fixed! Joomla 4.1.3 default template Cassiopeia in Firefox 100 on Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS

Screenshot of Cassiopeia - The default template for Joomla 4
Joomla 4.1.3 default template Cassiopeia in Firefox 100 on Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS